Automation Manufacturing Software

Pupils & Students

Your entry into the high-tech world of STIWA!

Put your passion for technology into practice.
Be part of our future.


Welcome to STIWA - your gateway to exciting career opportunities in the world of innovative technologies. As an international leader in product and high performance automation, we offer high school and university students a unique opportunity to put their passion for technology into practice.

Immerse yourself in a world of innovation, team spirit and personal development. We look forward to meeting you!

Your benefits


We offer a wide range of benefits to ensure a good working environment. It is very important to us that our employees feel comfortable at the workplace. This contributes to a pleasant work atmosphere and an appreciative cooperation.


Flexitime with core time


by train & bus


is our top priority


A mentor will guide you professionally.


Direct collaboration on high-tech products and processes


Cash for the successful completion of your Bachelor/Master thesis

STIWA as an educational partner

Free training material

We provide free digital training materials to educational institutions such as higher technical colleges, universities of applied sciences, and universities with a focus on mechatronics & automation, as well as to pupils and students. We want to actively support the education process with realistic use cases and data sets, including simulations for virtual commissioning and AI data sets.


Discover Educational Content now

Exciting projects

at the cutting edge of

research & technology

We have been a leader in automation, manufacturing and software for years. By cooperating with education and research, we always stay up to date. Join us! Dedicated students are always welcome to work with us on future high-tech manufacturing.


Discover academic topics

From the initial idea to the practical implementation at STIWA

Diploma thesis of pupils at HTL Wels Mechatronics Department:


Functional Demonstrator for the concept test of a 3DOF-Spherical-Gear-Robot cinematic


Development of an innovative demonstrator which is able to follow pre-defined and programmed points


  • Concept test, design and construction of a drive module
  • Construction of the bearing and calculation of the forward-cinematic
  • Programming and selection of hardware components

Diploma thesis of pupils at HTL Vöcklabruck Mechatronics Department:


Flexible optical sorting machine for small series


Development of a sorting machine for small series which checks quality features of the produced parts by an optical sensor


  • Mechanics: Machine construction incl. 3D-modelling, components, assembly and optimization
  • IT: PLC Programming & visualization, analogue and digital control outputs, user interface, testing and code optimization
  • ​​​​​​​Electrical Engineering: Electrical plan development incl. trouble shooting, control electronic components, wire control cabinets, set and control frequency inverter


Thesis / final projects

You would like to write your thesis/final project at STIWA,
but there is no topic available at the moment?

Then send us your application
or an individual topic by e-mail.


Submit topic


We offer pupils and students exciting insights into our many careers. You will have the opportunity to get involved and develop both professionally and personally. Whether it's an internship or an academic thesis, we'll give you a solid foundation for a successful career.

Daniela Kaml
Human Resources

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